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Sakai Kohaku

Sakai Kohaku #8370

This Kohaku has distinctive Kuchibeni and a Maruten pattern all in one... grabbed our attention as it was swimming in the pond. The Kuchibeni (lipstick) starts off the bright red and white pattern that flows from the tip of the nose all the way back to the tail. Note the bright contrast and sharp edges on every step. This Sakai Kuchibeni Kohaku is our "Pick of the week"!


Title:Sakai Kohaku
Stock #:8370
Breeder:Sakai FF
Size: 16.25 Inches

Auction Details

Winner: khaki
Winning Bid: $300
Bid Increment:$50
Next Bid:$350
Bids: 6
Auction Started: May 13, 2018 at 16:00 PST
Auction Ended:May 20, 2018 at 16:00 PST